Aqua Kids (New)
Based on a Japanese CG animation show, Aqua Kids does a formidable job of replicating the show's distinct look which is similar to a Dreamworks production. ...
Action - £14.99
Based on a Japanese CG animation show, Aqua Kids does a formidable job of replicating the show's distinct look which is similar to a Dreamworks production. ...
One on One Beat Em Up - £14.99
Well rounded cast of anime pugalists complete with madcap animated story, but its the two button block and attack control system where Eretzvaju has gained ...
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Sports - £11.99
Any game with that boasts Cha Kato in his underwear and glasses cant take itself too seriously all the time. Plenty of tight pants and tight spots with clea...
Sports - £6.99
Plenty of tight pants and tight spots with clearly distinguishable wrestlers each having their own signature moves to help manipulate your spine into imposs...
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Sports - £21.99
Plenty of tight pants and tight spots with clearly distinguishable wrestlers each having their own signature moves to help manipulate your spine into imposs...
Sports - £3.99
Comes with fully customisable competitors for making that distinctive on screen persona with which to dominate the arena. Graphics are very clean and well d...
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Sports - £19.99
Comes with fully customisable competitors for making that distinctive on screen persona with which to dominate the arena. Graphics are very clean and well d...
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Simulation - £12.99
Nintendogs has a lot to answer for including this PSP rival to scoop up behind the DS pedigree. Players bring up their favoured pooch pampering over it like...
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Sports - £12.99
Heavy metal, sweat, spotlights and adrenaline in abundance in this Japan based wrestle game with the lesser known and exotic characters of much interest to ...
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Game Cube
Sports - £26.99
Utilises the big screen and plenty of visual pizzazz to set the bouts up in fine style and get the adrenalin pumping. The crowd repond to the onscreen grapp...
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Sports - £16.99
The full monty as ever wrestler piles into the ring and the Dc copes effortlessly with the mass brawl that ensues. Captures the razzmatazz of the wrestling ...
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